What do Success looks like you

How will you define Success? Well its a difficult question, if we ask this question to 10 different people, their answers are gonna be different. As they all will define about their personal achievements they want and that’s where we will get different definition of success. For me Success is everything that we want in your life. Because for that thing you are going to work harder and harder till you achieve them.   How do you measure success?  Well measuring success is a challenge but by identifying characteristic we can begin with lots of unique and creative ideas. Success is all bout growing yourself ,setting  goals, and working as a team.

Growing Personally: Now a days everyone are running towards success, and they are changing a lot themselves to achieve that goal they want to, and so they are growing their abilities in their life and improving them. This states the fact that we are never gonna :Finished: learning and growing as people. That is what makes us more fascinating and amazing, the fact is there will be always something new to learn as we grow old  and if we pay attention.  There will be a point once in your life that you will realize that you know everything, but that would be a lie, it would sign you to that how little have you learnt, and how far you have to go.

Goals:  Once we realize that we are growing we have to set our mind for challenge so that we can know how far we have grown our mind and we will come to know whether we are capable or not. We cannot achieve multiple goals at a time. But once we achieve one goals we have to not stop there, we have to put our everything in achieving others goals, as in this way we can stay focused and we will know how much progress of our growth we have made.

Teamwork: After setting the goal, if we are working with people who have same inspiration we can take help from them and we can help each other to get to a high that we could imagine reaching on our own. Team work is necessary step towards success, because it help us to enable our strength with peoples who are better and that brings a great outcome form teamwork where every member of team is involved and we get to learn more and more and grow our personal goals and allows us to achieve them.  As said by Mattie J.T. Stapanek

Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepanek

Image source: (https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mattiestep319300.html)









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